Community outreach activity vehicle

Community outreach activity gives rise to a wide variety of projects and can very often challenge us to come up with some new thinking and new ideas.
This certainly applied to the task which the Think Communities Team at Cambridgeshire County Council recently set us to work on.
They wanted a redundant (and rather tired looking mobile library) transformed into a unique and multi-functional travelling community space.
The importance of versatility to this new community outreach activity stemmed from the very essence of the project. Rather than provide a set service decided upon by the Council the innovative concept was to provide a multi-functional space for the various communities to use in the way they wanted and needed.
Hence the proposed vehicle needed to be turned into an attractive and appealing vehicle with function at the very core of the interior fit out.
To plan for all possible uses the interior required stripping out and replacing with an array of new fixtures and fittings including:
- Areas for displaying posters, leaflets and other public information notices.
- Space for 6 people to work at lap tops
- Storage for laptops and associated equipment
- Refreshment facilities
- Comfortable seating for counselling and discussion
- Group meeting facilities
Externally the vehicle needed to be improved with added features of an awning and large outward facing screen.

The solution to provide outreach community activity
We were able to come up with some great furniture and storage concepts that allows the interior to be transformed to a wide range of scenarios: private study, group training, board room style meeting, comfortable group discussion, one to one counselling or simply an open plan youth club layout.
To facilitate these transformations we created just the right storage facilities to enable unwanted equipment for any specific activity to be neatly and safely stored out of sight.
The exterior was fitted with a large screen and an awning added. We repainted the exterior and added simple but “to the point” livery.
Our task was in truth made easier as a result of our extensive experience in the design and construction of mobile libraries and community outreach activity vehicles