Mobile office van

interior of a mobile office van showing meeting table

head and shoulders photo of Dr Sampson“That I would end up driving around the country in a bespoke built mobile office van was the last thing on my mind when I set up my agricultural consultancy business.”  Dr Michael Sampson

In truth the concept would never have occurred to me without a chance meeting, under clear blue skies, at the 137th Lincolnshire Show.

With the benefit of hindsight I simply cannot envisage how I could have carried on with this new venture without the blinding flash of inspiration when walking onto an exhibition vehicle, that I was soon to learn had been designed and built by Multi Vehicle Technology Ltd.

But first let me outline my situation and, if you find yourself in a similar one, perhaps you too could benefit from a chat with them about the mobile office vans the create.

As an agronomist I longed to be free of the restrictions of my employment with an international corporation so much so that I decided to branch out on my own.  The benefits would far outweigh the risks of setting up on my own and most of all give me the freedom to cover much more of the country than the small county are I was restricted to. Working on different types of farms with differing situations and challenges was the big appeal.

a practical workstation in a mobile office van
A functional workstation within a van

In my enthusiasm I had of course (perhaps rather conveniently) overlooked the cost and logistics of such a plan.  Only after months of driving in my car, trying to type reports and operate communications from a cramped and cluttered front seat and untidy foot well did I fully appreciate my folly.  I had expected to handle such work at night in a hotel room.  Forgetting, of course, about the lack of conveniently located hotels in rural areas and the fact that by the time I had reached one, my clients were tucked up either in bed or by the TV and in no mood for business calls and other communications.

I also found that presenting my ideas and showing samples whilst standing in windswept muddy field gates as not the ideal look of a professional setting out a new way of working.

I guess the development of my business would have suffered, or come to an end, had one of my clients not suggested meeting up on a trade stand at the Lincolnshire Show.  Sitting in luxury, being offered refreshments, with blue tooth connections and a desk at which I could place my tablet to make a presentation….well it sort of opened my eyes to possibilities.

a small workstation in a small van
Work stations can be installed in small vans

Knowing nothing about vehicles I asked who had built such a great presentational vehicle and made a note to myself to contact them later that day.  I did just that and very pleased that I did so! That initial phone call has enabled me expand and develop my business, look and act professionally…and it’s made it fun too.

On calling MVTech, making a bit of a fool of myself through not really knowing what I was asking about, I was relieved to chat with a very friendly, not to mention extremely patient, person on the other end grasp my needs and say “what you need is one of our mobile office vans”.

From there I was assured that I didn’t really need to go for the more expensive chassis cab based exhibition vehicle that had spurred my interest and could most likely have all that I wanted in a small to medium sized van.  That word “van” did initially put me off but once details were discussed I could almost (but not quite) visualise what we were talking about.  Realising that the company’s factory is conveniently located in Leicester I accepted an invitation to visit and look at van conversions in production.

a lap top on a small workstation in a mobile office van
Work stations can be all shapes and sizes

Mobile office van specification

During that visit I was able to describe my business and discuss the many vehicle options available to me and the different ways in which each could be converted.  The notes I made at the time were roughly as follows:

1.     A fairly small, comfortable, easy to drive van would suffice (the recommendation was to consider vehicles such as the Fiat Scudo or short wheelbase   Ducato).

2.   A need to be light and well ventilated (tinted windows and roof vent available)

3.    A work desk and suitable seating ideally one that a client (may be more than one) could comfortably sit at. (a central removable table plus bench seating was suggested)

4.    An ability to provide refreshment for myself and client. (hot and cold water supply, fridge, microwave all possible)

5.    Good internal lighting and power supply for lap top, tablet and printer without the engine running (auxiliary battery system)

6.     Heating required for use during the winter months. (no problem a diesel powered system was recommended)

7.      Colour scheme to match my corporate identity. (materials too were also my choice)

Optional ideas that were then presented to me included the ability to transform the interior into sleeping accommodation, for emergency use, when there was no hotel conveniently available.  This suggestion was one I took up and have now used more times than I had ever expected.

Another great suggestion was to add a side awning to enable me to make presentations outdoors to groups of farmers.

In short my new mobile office van turned out to be a bit of a camper and an exhibition vehicle too!  But certainly none the worse for that.

toilets in a van
Even toilets can be built into mobile offices

Bespoke built mobile offices

I was quite surprised that a company like Multi Vehicle Technology, dealing with large and well known fleet operators, was willing to spend so much time walking me through the process of design and construction.  The 3D drawings provided proved essential for me to picture the proposal and quotation they gave me….. And when I compared the price for a bespoke build with “off the shelf” camper vans wow I was very favourably impressed and surprised at how competitive they are.

Another issue that I found reassuring when dealing with MVTech was the security of communications.  Much of what I do, which includes the discussion of Grant availability, is highly confidential so it’s something I really think about.  To find that this Company is Cyber Essentials certified proved of great comfort.

Needless to say I want ahead and ordered my very own mobile office van.

a mobile office
A typical mobile office van

Mobile office vans

From my very practical experience Mobile offices can transform a business through making it more professional and efficient which improves profitability by reducing costs.

They’re not just for single person businesses and I can see how they could work very well for sales teams as an alternative to far less functional saloon cars. Indeed my aim is to grow my business and whether I opt for employing staff or take the franchise route the core of the approach will be based on mobile offices, van based, rather than other means of transport.

a mobile meeting room
Mobile offices are ideal for group meetings

For more information and ideas on mobile office vans

For more information and ideas for mobilising your business I suggest you contact Multi Vehicle Technology Ltd on 0116 326 0989 or, if you prefer, send us a message to



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