Mobile Libraries and their role past, present and future

MVTech mobile libraries are a continuation of the products built by the former business of Leicester Carriage Builders.
For many of us libraries have been and remain a part of our everyday lives. In fact around 8 million of us are active borrowers, and anyone living in the UK is legally entitled to borrow books free from our libraries.
In 2017-18 there were 3,618 libraries, a figure which includes mobile libraries. Unfortunately these encouraging statistics do hide the fact that the numbers of mobile libraries has been falling over the recent period of “financial austerity” which has seen all of our local authorities forced to re-evaluate all of their services as income falls; and the library services have not been immune to these cuts.
In 1990 there were 719 mobile libraries in operation which by 2009 had declined to 550 and by 2014 had fallen to 362, and lower still in the present day. Some do of course say that this decline in the number of mobile libraries is only natural and more a consequence of the use of e-books, and technology in general, rather than financial restraint. In our new digital age with fairly good internet access almost everywhere, Wi-Fi, I Pads and smart phones the very idea of a mobile library delivering books to the door appears to be something that belongs in the past. But are such beliefs right, and are the days of the mobile library service numbered? At MVTech we do not believe so, as we see a bright future, new opportunities and extended uses for this valuable service.
Back in the 1920’s when the first mobile library was to be seen visiting hamlets, towns and cities in Perthshire it provided a new and vital service and we see that service as being as important now as it was then…but perhaps with a few technological tweaks and a little innovation!
Many individual members of our MVTech mobile libraries team have been designing and building mobile libraries, of various sizes and formats, for over 30 years with the result being that our combined experience is, well frankly, more than we care to calculate! Time passes so quickly.
Originally our vehicles carried only books; fiction, non-fiction plus children’s. Along came the concept of talking books and videos followed by DVD and CD’s and very quickly we adapted our mobile libraries to carry these alongside the “traditional” books. Comfort services too were added to make life easier for the staff which included microwaves, hot and cold water hand wash and on larger mobile libraries we installed toilet facilities. For clients we now provide a range of fixtures and fittings from wheel chair access, interior colours to suit the visually impaired and hearing loops to assist the hard of hearing.
But is all of this now something to be consigned to the past? In our view most certainly not. A view shared with the vast majority of library service providers with whom we are in regular contact. It is simply the beginning of a new age, where innovation and lateral thinking can create a library that is both mobile and even more relevant to the people and communities it serves, be they in city centres or isolated rural communities.
As an example our latest MVTech mobile libraries are fitted with computers and internet connections which prove particularly beneficial for the likes of residential care homes, sheltered housing organisations and other silver surfers who have, perhaps, no access to IT hardware of their own. At a time when so many official documents and applications have to be made on line the provision of a mobile facility with IT access on board is no longer a luxury but an essential for many and a service that really needs to be provided to the community. At a time when smaller libraries are forced to close a bright and exciting mobile library designed with children in mind with a power to ween them away from their often isolated use of “screens” and bring them together for reading clubs and other activities.
At MVTech we work alongside library services to work out new ways to extend the services provided by their mobile libraries. Public information was never more in need of promotion from essential health campaigns to vital safety and security; whilst reading groups for the young and internet access for the old are required. Help to use technology and training too can all take place close to where residents live.
But even more is possible and practical. A mobile library can become a council’s mobile premises, and more often than not more cost effectively than a fixed building, from which it can provide a wealth of services in addition to providing library facilities. The future must be in developing their mobile fleets into Access and Community Mobile Libraries plus services. At a time when delivery to your door shopping is the accepted norm then why not delivery to your door community services!
Whilst emphasising the opportunities to create inviting, attractive and practical interiors it has to be said that to get to residents in the first place it is vital that the base vehicles used suit the roads and geography which is why we offer designs and builds in various sizes and weights. Just as important, believe it or not, is the exterior graphic design. It has to look good, explain the services and encourage people to come on board and be out and about.
Cambridgeshire, as an example, has 3 mobile libraries visiting 364 locations and in Lincolnshire their mobile libraries visit 233 locations on a regular basis. The future is bright.
Designing and manufacturing mobile libraries for the future has never been more exciting. For more information call us on 0116 2769023.