Brand experience

Providing customers with a memorable brand experience is a sure-fire way to increase sales.
Positive brand experience is important.
For most organisations generating positive experiences with their target audiences will always smooth the path to success because they can help achieve so much such as:
- Encourage customer loyalty.
- Help attract new customers.
- Differentiate them from their competitors.
- Generate an image of relevance and freshness.
- Increase awareness and recall ratings.
One way to create an unbeatable brand experience.
One way to create a unique and memorable brand experience is to undertake regular experiential roadshows to communicate directly with influencers, distributors, and end users.
Making use of a purpose-built mobile roadshow vehicle is the ideal way in which to undertake an experiential campaign and provide a memorable brand experience in both business to business and consumer markets.
Traditionally roadshows would have taken place in hotels with distribution staff and end customers invited to a product presentation and demonstration, plus obligatory refreshments. Larger roadshows may well have used golf clubs to allow for a round of golf to be thrown in as the carrot to attend. These campaigns achieved their aims in that guests could see, touch, sample or evaluate a product and come away with (hopefully) a good opinion of both producer and product.
There are however downsides to this traditional promotional roadshow activity:
- First, many products prove difficult to transport and set up in premises not designed for them. Weight or the need for power, water, or compressed air supply, combined with complexity of set up, can be an issue.
- Over time executives have become less willing to leave their place of work, many now working from home and not even accustomed to commuting. These folk no longer wish to lose a large slice of time in the working day or suffer the stress of travelling on the roads or taking public transport.
The result being that fewer and fewer people have been willing to attend this type of promotional brand experience without a substantial reason for doing so. Free bars and lengthy lunches no longer proving attractive. Even providing delegates with overnight accommodation at a luxury venue have become less attractive.
The better alternative has always been for sales staff to set up demonstrations and create the brand experience within their client’s premises. Great if the product is easily transportable and simple to set up and demonstrate. A new biscuit range can be sampled this way but a food that requires cooking cannot be! Similarly, for example, a new shower/pumping unit cannot be given a full demonstration without being installed in a working system.
The only solution to overcome these issues is to instigate a purpose-built roadshow vehicle.
Brand experience roadshow vehicle options
There are numerous base vehicles in which it is possible to create a brand experience with the key ones being:
Single and double deck buses: Loved by some but practical and certainly so for food sampling roadshows. However, finding drivers can be a bit tricky these days and mechanical spares can be an issue. So, there is a downside to be considered.
Chassis cabs with box bodies: Now extremely popular and the 3500 kgs model has very much replaced the traditional exhibition trailer since they are so easy to drive, comfortable, versatile and can be driven by anyone with a standard driving licence. Ideal for every type of roadshow and brand experience and especially for those wanting their sales force to operate. The only limitation is the weight of equipment that can be carried.
Panel vans: The use of long wheelbase high roof panel vans is becoming increasing popular as amazingly spacious, ever so easy to drive by anyone with a standard driving licence, competitively priced and readily available. They make ideal exhibition vehicles for both demonstration, sampling, and catering.
Vintage vehicles: A bit traditional but still effective although weight of goods and equipment that may be carried is usually quite limited. The eponymous Citroen H van is perhaps the most popular model within this category. The downside being that it is rarely possible to have guests on board. These are best used as display vehicles.
Ex mobile libraries: Very useful base vehicles for experiences requiring product demonstration and training presentations. We have converted many as mobile showrooms particularly for furniture manufacturers. They are useful for some because they come with wheelchair access, heating and air-conditioning already built in. Being ex council, they are normally very well cared for and most models are easily serviced.
Do not forget the benefit of feedback from brand experience roadshows!
Before we finish this BLOG, we must mention one interesting benefit. So far, we have been stressing the value of communication going flowing out towards an organisations target market, but no one should overlook the huge benefit of experiential roadshows in providing the great opportunity for feedback which can be used to measure a brands strengths and weaknesses which in turn prove useful for future planning. In short, it is possible to identify where improvements can be made.
Multi Vehicle Technology roadshow vehicles
If you want to explore the creation of a brand experience roadshow for your business and want to do so by using a bespoke vehicle then we can help you in so many ways. We can provide initial creative design concept visuals, advise on the options of second hand or new vehicles. We can help you source a suitable vehicle or manage this aspect for you.
We manage all the conversion and fit out work in our own workshops in Leicester where you can visit as much as you want during the conversion process. Our production team is experienced in a wide range of specialist fields including the installation of power supplies including battery and solar panels or traditional generators, plumbing, refreshment / catering equipment, air conditioning, heating, IT technology installation and communications systems a speciality.
We provide a one stop shop, so much so, that we can design supply and apply all the branding graphics and display materials.